Theresa Jones
Jones Lab for Behavioral Neuroscience
Subventricular zone cytogenesis provides trophic support for neural repair in a mouse model of stroke
Diamond Raman laser and Yb fiber amplifier for in vivo multiphoton fluorescence microscopy
Segmentation-Less, Automated, Vascular Vectorization
Reactive astrocytes facilitate vascular repair and remodeling after stroke
A Window of Vascular Plasticity Coupled to Behavioral Recovery after Stroke
Multimodal mapping of neural activity and cerebral blood flow reveals long-lasting neurovascular dissociations after small-scale strokes
Rehabilitative training interacts with ischemia-instigated spine dynamics to promote a lasting population of new synapses in peri-infarct motor cortex
Artery targeted photothrombosis widens the vascular penumbra, instigates peri-infarct neovascularization and models forelimb impairments
Imaging of cortical oxygen tension and blood flow following targeted photothrombotic stroke
Preferential stabilization of newly formed dendritic spines in motor cortex during manual skill learning predicts performance gains, but not memory endurance
In vivo multiphoton imaging of a diverse array of fluorophores to investigate deep neurovascular structure
Chronic monitoring of vascular progression after ischemic stroke using multiexposure speckle imaging and two-photon fluorescence microscopy
Three-dimensional mapping of oxygen tension in cortical arterioles before and after occlusion
Chronic imaging of cortical blood flow using Multi-Exposure Speckle Imaging